Doctorina — future of medicine as we envision it. Accessible to billions of people. At any moment. Without errors.

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This is a technology preview of Doctorina, provided for testing and evaluation purposes only.


To provide every individual with the best
possible healthcare using AI and medical

  • For People

    With Doctorina, you can gain a clear understanding of what's happening with your health and receive high-quality, efficient, and patient-centered recommendations. Doctorina ensures that your case is reviewed with the highest level of precision.

  • For Doctors

    Doctorina also supports doctors in providing high-quality, efficient, and patient-centered care. Double-check your patient's case with confidence using Doctorina.

  • For Clinics

    Our assistant can gather patient history while they are on their way to the doctor. Saving time for both doctors and patients, ultimately saving money.

  • For Insurances

    Insurance companies can offer our assistant to their clients, reducing doctor visits and lowering costs.

Doctorina provides accurate, personalized health assessments accessible to everyone, everywhere, 24/7.

AI-based diagnostics leverage symptom analysis through various inputs, including text, voice files, images, and videos, to enhance the process of history taking and symptom evaluation.

Available in all languages.

transformed by AI

Try it for free
  • 24/7 Availability

    AI-based diagnostics using symptom analysis (text, voice files, images, and videos) — history taking and symptom analysis. We are developing an AI-powered medical advice service designed to democratize medical care.

  • Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy

    Doctorina minimizes the risk of misdiagnosis and helps identify probable healthcare threats and conditions.

  • Universal Accessibility

    No matter what language you speak, Doctorina will understand you. Available on Android, iOS, and web, it provides high-quality healthcare knowledge wherever you are, on any device.

  • Personalized Health Records

    Doctorina securely stores your health information in personalized patient records. You can view, manage, and share your health records with healthcare professionals at any time, ensuring that your medical history is always available when needed. This service is trained and monitored by physicians.

See how it works

For Investors

We are a dynamic and expanding team of engineers, doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs dedicated to providing every individual on the planet with the best possible healthcare through the power of AI and medical expertise.

If you're interested in partnering with us on this transformative journey, let's have a conversation.

Let's chat

Meet our team

  • 01 Darya Tsaryk Co-founder & CEO
  • 02 Alexander Seletsky Co-founder & COO
  • 03 Hanna Plotnitskaya, M. D. Co-founder & CMO
  • 04 Yury Melnichek Co-founder & Investor
  • 05 Melnichek Investments LTD Founding Investor


Book a meeting to chat with one of our team members

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Drop your email in the box below to be the first in line when Doctorina launches. We'll give you a shout as soon as it's ready. Get ready to revolutionize global healthcare — right at your fingertips!


Doctorina is currently in beta testing. It does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and does not operate under a medical license. Always consult with a licensed healthcare provider for any! medical concerns.